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Introducing Agent Impossibles, LLC for Asset Protection, Creative Finance & Real Estate Investments
Wiser Options When Time Matters

A Little About Me 

Projects can be challenging, so we're here to lighten your load. Before I tell you more about what we do, here’s a little information on how and why I got started...

I learned that people can avoid foreclosure and prevent months spent on the market by selling their property to an investor. The investor who introduced me to real estate investing got his start by standing in line at a coffee shop and being willing to help a stranger. Like him, I care enough to listen to strangers in need and I am willing to help!

My family and I have weathered some storms in life that most people would choose not to admit. Still, those storms taught me compassion and showed me how to be open minded and persistent enough to think outside of "the box". God’s goodness and my refusal to give up have blessed me with unique set of skills and a powerful mindset that I proudly use for good. I have found my calling helping others through real estate investing and sales! My aspiration is to provide win-win-win solutions for people who thought that they had no way out of an unwanted property or into a home of their own. It is my joy and privilege to help people turn property burdens into blessings!

Whether you are ready to Start life in your new home... Need to avoid auction / foreclosure... Are tired of being a landlord... Lost a loved one... Or simply cannot manage a remaining property... I am here to help. As a consultant or investor, through my own company, Agent Impossibles, LLC, I focus on providing you with a solution that really works for you.

Let us help you today!

Who We Help

I started this company to help people who need to sell their property without having the traditional expenses and lapses in time. There are no realtor fees. We pay closing costs and purchase your property As-Is so you don't need to spend money fixing it or bringing it up to date.

With our Rent To Own Program, we now also help people who have a down-payment to purchase a home, but who need more time to qualify for a traditional mortgage. No credit and/or bad credit is ok.

Working with me will save you time, stress and money. Whether you are a seller looking to sell now or a buyer looking to qualify without the help of a bank, I am here to help!

The Process
Once you reach out to us, we will review the information you provided and call you back to discuss what you are looking to do. We then schedule a meeting to see your property or to show you one of our available properties. If we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement...

For sellers: we will offer to buy your property for a fair all cash price OR with terms that will provide you with monthly cashflow. We close with an attorney and pay all closing costs. When working with us, all properties are purchased in As-Is condition, so you do not need to spend any more money on repairs or staging. We are not real estate agents, so we would be purchasing the property directly from you, the owner. Thus, there is also no need to pay an additional 6% commission in realtor fees. Pending a clean title and inspection, we can then schedule closing accordingly. At closing, you receive the agreed upon purchase amount less taxes and we or an assignee would then take possession of the property. As investors, we may keep the purchased property as a rental for future tenants, renovate the property and list it on the open market or assign it to an associate who will fulfill our contractual obligations.

For buyers: We offer you a home that you can call your own. Your non-refundable deposit goes towards the agreed upon purchase price which you can pay at the end of our agreed upon term. In the interim, you can make additional monthly contributions towards your deposit on top of your monthly rent (thus reducing the amount you'll need to get under a mortgage). Credit repairing programs are also accessible, if needed. Leasing with the option to buy gives you many of the perks of ownership while also allowing time to fix whatever needs fixing so that you can qualify for a mortgage at the end of our term.

Our goal is to always form a Win-Win-Win situation.

The Vision 

As we grow and form new business relationships, we will also add links for your convenience to my partners, who can help you with moving, storage facilities, junk removal, plumbing, landscaping, masonry, elder care/attorney services, end of life planning, funeral arrangements, insurance, long term parking and more. This will help to support local businesses and to provide you with a truly One Stop Shop for all of your real estate needs.

Contact us today for your free, no obligation consultation. Let Us Help You!

I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully working with you!